“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
The Holy Bible The Gospel According to St. Matthew, 11:28

”For the noble of heart, the greatest delight Is to bring joy to another in piteous plight.”
Adam Asnyk Myśli ulotne (Fleeting Thoughts) XVI, 1924, translated by Caryl Swift


How do we help? And does it work?

When we say that we teach people to fish rather than giving them a fish, we mean that the purpose of our work is to instigate a lasting life change. A helping hand is needed on an ongoing basis, but we set out to assist those in our care to turn their lives around and get back to normal.
We are searching for potential collaboration in terms of our work on the streets and transport to centres. To date, the organisations we have worked together with successfully include MiserArt and the Wrocław StreetBus. We’d love to meet up with you for a chat over a coffee and we’re sure we’ll find a shared field of action!

Become a volunteer!

We are a group of people whose who hold in our hearts the burden of helping people battling addiction, living rough, trapped in poverty… in other words, people who have literally disappeared and are dying. Some of us have been in similar situations in our lives, but others had never come into contact with anyone in those circumstances before. If you’re longing to help people who are struggling like this, then you can achieve that with us.
Grupa wolontariuszy podczas jednego ze spotkań
We provide refreshments at our gatherings; coffee, team sandwiches and, at times, hot soup. Above all, though, we offer words of comfort and encouragement. We have two groups of organisers at each gathering, our permanent members and volunteers. Anyone who wants to be involved in a good cause can become a volunteer. Would you like to join us? Once you’re at one of our meetings, simply look for one of the people wearing a Teen Challenge high-visibility vest or ID badge, then go up to them and ask: “How can I help out today?”
“And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples.”
The Holy Bible The Gospel According to St. Matthew, 9:10
Grupa wolontariuszy podczas jednego ze spotkań
Dwie kobiety pomagające w przygotowaniu poczęstunku dla osób potrzebujących
Dwie kobiety pomagające w przygotowaniu poczęstunku dla osób potrzebujących
If you want to get more involved and help us on a regular basis, just phone us before one of the gatherings.

Let’s chat over a coffee!

Filiżanka z kawą
Are you too busy? Just leave your contact details and we’ll be in touch! We can always have a coffee and talk about the prospects for working together.
Filiżanka z kawą